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  2. Company information >
  3. Company Overview

Company Overview

Marinfood is food manufacturer dealing with production and sales of various products which assume margarine, butter, cheese, pancake the main force. Even household use product recently for general merchandising stores acquires much support other than business use product for school and hotel, restaurant, cafe or food manufacturer having history of about 70 years from establishment of 1957 to date.

The head office appearance
Company name
March 15, 1957 (Showa 32)
We see idea
90 million yen
Sales amount
Total sales 36,169,110,000 yen (December, 2023)
We see change graph of sales amount
Organizational chart
We look at organizational chart
We see officer introduction
Business outline
Margarine, compound margarine, natural cheese, processed cheese, pancake, pancake, pizza sauce, Yakisoba for pizza, manufacturing of freeze dry miso soup and sale.
National food service industry (hotel restaurant, cafe, bar, train restaurant etc.), school lunch, office lunch, department store, supermarket, consumers' cooperative, delivery to home, food manufacturer, mail order company
Financial statements
The number of employees
642 (the results, part parttimer convert 0.5 in December, 2023)
We see office guidance
  • Job Opportunities
  • Factory introduction
  • Theater