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Company idea

The first. Way of company

Ⅰ. Main profession

 The core of our business assumes food. We develop food and produce and search and sell.

Ⅱ. Growth expansion

 We realize happiness of employee working in evolution of our group and our group in process when our group enlarges growth forever. We set growth expansion aim and continue making full use of the strategic tactics.

Ⅲ. Creation

 Creation of company activity is authority that continues continuing differentiation, No. 1 achievement, value-added discovery. That gives fresh surprise in market.
 We make new products which do not follow discovery and other companies of cut end cutting infinite market and are made with machine, facilities, line that their ideas, wisdom, invention were reflected. And it is made with human being loving culture, art.

Ⅳ. Re-engineering

 Not making modifications, throw away. Thing, fresh start to start again with blank paper. We do not survive as company where is filled with vitality if we cannot bring dramatic change in discontinuous thought like bandit.

Ⅴ. Dispatch

 Suggestion of the factory spot, sound of wind of the times is always returned to office and, voice of customer, continues being announced thought, idea of company towards society, and, vivid information, company and society marry in the principle of reciprocity to the future.

Ⅵ. Sympathy = symbiosis

 Company is aggregate of unit. If each one is aware of role in group and loads training onto given duties and can show ability to intend to show, and to be able to have of leader, public holidays and festival days of company are born.

The second. Most of the companies needle

Ⅰ. Core competence (nuclear power)

 We profess ourselves to be priority principle, concentration, differentiation and it is number one and we make a lot of only one and polish up. And we have the significance of existence definitely.

Ⅱ. Customer focus (the principle of customer first)

 True ruler of company is customer. The life and death of our company group is entrusted in hands of customer. The system in the company must be opened towards all beteo visitors.

Ⅲ. Speed (the speed)

 It means innovative speed with introduction of IT. Speed is decided on heart in head with becoming. It is triage and scheduling (making of schedule) and acting power to start right now. Do not postpone that you can do it till tomorrow today. Just begin.

Ⅳ. The management by Wanda ring around
(while management walks about)

 At customer, we walk around other factories in factory in market. Judging from own eye, you hear with ear and are keenly aware of, and walk around while thinking. The spot is gold mine. Dig up gold ore. Meet with unfamiliarity for frontier spirit.

The third. Guideline "... fly high in the sky ... carp of turn (pair) dragon" (dragon) of this year (2024)

It is ... in country, storm of new Age of Geographical Discovery - unfamiliarity

 There is legend that "to pass through the gateway, and carp which finishes climbing waterfall of fast flowing stream rises to the sky and becomes dragon." in ancient China. Manners and customs to decorate carp streamer which the popular saying was handed down to Japan, and imitated carp for success in life to children at garden of samurai in samurai family in the Boy's Festival in the Edo era were completed. In addition, carp of turn points at partners to be able to believe in.
 European dragon and Japanese dragon (ryu) are another thing, but sell dragons as equivalent in the only aerial animals in 12 sexagenary cycle (eto) here. Is auspicious animal, holy animal originally,; call, and call for thundercloud and storm, and is said that it is tornado again, and rise to the heavens, and fly freely by voice.
 Author Eriko Kudo of picture studies in back, Paris where we are from Aomori, and Meiji Gakuin University art subject is a graduate. Two department exhibition colleague. We seemed to draw original title of picture while listening to the same name music of American vocalist group "sumasshingu pumpkin" in "Tonight Tonight".

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