In SNS of rumor

In SNS of rumor

Cod roe spread Cod roe spread
Cod roe spread

Harmony of cod roe and burnt butter lumpy in texture

Spread which matched margarine with butter with cod roe. We can taste flavor of cod roe without needing trouble by the softness that it is easy to paint with when we are busy. One article that grains texture that we did well is nice.

Cod roe spread

We just spread on bread and crackers and are delicious

It becomes in the letter of dip, and it is to snacks which we just spread on bread and crackers, and a feeling of grains is addicted to. If spread on baguette, and bake, margarine gajuwatto with butter melts; and the completion of unrivaled article "cod roe France."

Cod roe spread

It is easy just to toss in pasta and rice having just finished boiling

Just toss in pasta having just finished boiling; to brief cod roe pasta. Mix with hot rice; and to cod roe rice. If toss in potato salad; to simple taramo salad. Besides, we can arrange into various dishes depending on idea.


We introduce idea recipe using cod roe spread


150 g of cod roe spreads

150 g of cod roe spreads